Driving a rental car

To be able to drive a rental car, there are a few conditions to adhere to. Of course you need a valid driving license but this can also be restricted to a few conditions. We list the general terms and conditions below.
Main driver
The main driver has to be at least 21 years of age and has to be in possession of a valid driving license and creditcard in his/her own name.
Driving license
All drivers of the rental car need to be in possession of a valid driving license. In Europe you need to be in possession of your driving license for at least one year to be allowed to drive a rental car. In the United States and Canada this restriction is not used. You do not need an international driving license unless your driving license is not translated in to English.
Minimum age
The minimum age for renting a car varies per country, per local partner and also per car type. In addition to a minimum age some countries also look at the amount of years you’ve had your driving license. Please do check the conditions regarding these restrictions and possible fees.
Maximum age
Some locations work with a maximum age for renting a car. If you rent a car in Italy for instance, the maximum age is 75. Check the rental conditions per country to see if a maximum age is used.
Additional surcharge young drivers
In the USA and Canada there is an additional surcharge for drivers between the ages of 21 and 25. This amounts to 25 US$ / 25 CA$. If you book the ‘Underage Gold’ rate this surcharge is included.